Travelling For History

Links: eg. destination, to-do-list, history blogs, travel tips, interesting articles (under construction!)

Welcome to 'The Travelling Curator'

Follow My Journey

Hi everyone, this website has been made purely to explore my
own experiences travelling and learning as much history along the way. I will
be bringing together blog posts from my own perspective, fun and interesting
facts, and some great articles that I find along the way. I will be blogging
about my up and coming trip to Fiji down below and trips in the upcoming
future, places I want to visit someday and maybe even some insights into trips
I have been on in the past (most involving my parents! Eek!). So please enjoy
the ramblings and experiences of a fairly unorganised, anxious, stressor
tackling countries that are probably out of my depth.


Hi everyone! My name is Jay. I've started this website to blog about my upcoming travels. I am currently in my third year at University and finally completing a trip with my Uni! Some people say these trips are the best experiences of your life. Lets hope that is 100% true.


Recent Posts:

My Upcoming Adventure

I am currently in my third year at University and have
signed myself up to, and have gotten accepted, into participating in a Cultural
Heritage Research Project to Fiji. I have never actually been to Fiji but my
father has and I’ve seen pictures, yes it is gorgeous! The original trip plan
was to go to a village on one of the Fiji Islands and to stay with the people,
in a little hut with everyone else who was going and be completely encompassed
with Fiji village life. This trip has been described as a make you or break you
trip. To say I was up for the challenge is a long way from how I was actually feeling
but I wasn’t going to let anyone else see that. I was going to put up a
confident front. Seeing that now I could never have imagined how much work I
was going to have to put into this trip, on both an educational level and a
travel level.

Around two months before we were set to fly to, Fiji the
island we are visiting was hit by one of the worst cyclone disasters the
country has had. Our trip had instantly changed. We are now planning for a
natural disaster relief experience.

Since I have travelled internationally before (6 years
earlier) I had in my mind an idea of how the airport and packing experience
would go. At this point (one week before I leave) I’ve written out a list of
objects to bring, a list of the money I have spent so far and on what, and how
much money I will have to get ready for my travels.

Currently our trip has once again changed due to cyclone activity, new
island, new adventures, what can go wrong… right?

Driving to Sydney today! Our flight is at 6:30am. Whoever
decided that is a terrible person (secretly it was me!). Wish us luck! I’ll
keep you updated.